I was doing a little blog hopping the other day. I was bored and had probably way to many things to do but didn't want to do them so I waisted my time searching through other people's blogs who I have never even met. The blogs that were coming up were either all Japanese or making a tribute to their cat. The last blog I looked at had a question on it asking, "What would be your last meal and why?" I thought about it and so I decided to post this question to all of you who look at my blog. For me, I would have a massive feast! It would definitely be a 5 course meal starting with a salad made by Melanie cause she always makes the best salads. Then mashed potatoes and gravy, stringy meat, pretzel salad dessert (no whip cream), and of course rolls made by no other then you mom:) Wow this is making me hungry! I would then end the meal off right with a huge bowl of ice cream from the Schwan Man!!! What a feast! Why I chose this meal is because it has so many memories with it. Sunday dinners, being surrounded by family, and being happy:) Alright the question is now yours. Tell me, what would be your last meal, and why?

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So life right now is great! I have so many things to be grateful for. My job, family, friends, health, the gospel, and many more. My job is crazy to say the least. Everyday I come home with funny stories. From old creepy men hitting on me, to looking for an Alzheimer's patient's car for an hour, I stay pretty entertained! It definitely makes me appreciate my age and health! I have made some amazing friends from all over! I know I moved here to meet these friends of mine. We always have so much fun whether it is just sitting watching The Bachelor eating ice cream or putting crisco and bagels all over peoples houses:) You know who you are! Next comes family! My mom and dad...what can I say! Words don't do justice to show how grateful and blessed I am to have you as my parents. How you got stuck with me I will never know but wow I am glad! I have the best parents in the world. Since I have the best parents then that means I have to have the best sisters too:) I think since I have moved away I have gotten closer to them. A day rarely goes by that I don't talk to one of them. They are all such good examples to me. They all have married wonderful men and have the best families and someday I hope to have the same (oops I mean WHEN right Ami!). Working on it guys. I will make it to Hawaii if it kills me:) Last but not least is the Gospel. I am so grateful to know what I am living for and that I have the opportunity to live with our Heavenly Father again. I love being a member of the church and it is so true! It's true... so simply put! So now everyone has seen the emotional side of Chelsey, I will get back to being my normal self. Pictures of more events will be up soon...Jazz vs Suns tomorrow!!!!
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