Monday, April 5, 2010

I was in need a of a long over-due trip home so what better time to go when my dad had Jazz tickets and tickets to the NCAA tournament!! Wow I am so spoiled! I dragged my friend Ami along for the ride to give her a real taste of Idaho and Utah. Can you believe that this was her first time to Utah? Crazy I know. It was such a fun trip, besides me getting sick and throwing everything up! I was in heaven with all the basketball games. Plus being with my family wasn't too bad either:)
Me and Amos on the plane ride home!

Go Jazz!!!

Between birthday princess parties, flying kites, basketball games, and eating yummy ice cream, the trip was a success! I love my family and can't ask for any better. Ami is back in her warm country and I'm back to pushing old people around:) Man I love my job!!