The other night I was able to go to a Arizona Diamondbacks game! It was so cool to be so close. I was a little worried thinking that I was going to die of heat exhaustion, but the field is inside! Loved every minute of it too. The game was awesome and we had great seats. I will definitely be hitting up all the sports games here! Especially when the Jazz come to town!!!!

I have actually been doing a bunch of fun stuff here! I am loving everything here, except the no job thing and the heat, but I am begining to get used to the heat. Too bad I can't make a living out of looking for jobs because I have gotten really good at it! Ha ha, I wake up, and say..."Where am I going today?" Same thing, just a new day! It's all good though and I think I have a few prospects:) Things will only get better. Thankfully, everyone has been awesome support and has helped me get through these rough times. So other then looking for jobs, I have been loving the ward! Bishop (Ron) was right about an awesome ward. I have a hard time calling him Bishop cause I am so used to calling him DJ Ron. Anyways, they do a lot of stuff and it's a blast. Just the other night I played baskeball with all the guys! It just made me realize how much I miss it! This weekend, I'm going hiking so I will tell all about it next time:)
Me and my lovely roomates went all out and dressed up for an 80's dance. Let me just say, we were the hottest chicks there! Can't you tell by the pictures??

No, I haven't grown a hunchback, Ami just decided to stuff my shirt with chips! We just borrowed them, but we will bring them back, maybe:)
chels sounds like you are having a blast there in the heat! im so happy for you and cant wait to come visit! love you!
Chels, cute 80's outfits. I hope you danced like the 80's too. any jobs?
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