When you look in the dictionary at the word "procrastination," it should say Chelsey! I am so good at it. I find myself doing nothing productive and then freaking out when I have so much to do because I have put it off. Blogging kind of gives me that feeling too. I have so much to post about but of course I put it off and put it off some more. So here is a brief update of all the things that have been going on. Arizona for me, Alaska for Brett, Jazz game with the boys, Easter, and life! That's about it in a nut shell:)
OK, so Brett went to Alaskafor a steal bridge competition. I wanted to go, but since it would have been so expensive, we decided (more like I) it would be a better idea if I went and visited Ami in Arizona. I had so much fun and I think Brett did too, since he hardly called me, while I was calling him, texting him about every 5 min:) I didn't think I was such a "Whitney" when it comes to being attached, but what can I say...I am! Anyways, it was good trip, but it was way good to come home.
My dad had tickets to the last Jazz game of the season. Of course I had been hounding him, along with my cousin Justin for the tickets. He caved in and decided to take along the grandkids. It was probably the funnest games ever, not only because it was an amazing game, but seeing my dad spoil those boys and seeing the boys light up with excitement was priceless. They ran down to the floor after the game and as you can see in the pictures, they had a blast!
Next comes Easter. I decided tobe theEaster Bunny for Brett. I sent him on a scavenger hunt with poems as clues. I didn't think they were that hard, but I had to give him a lot of clues. He found his basket, and I think he was pleased with the findings. He was cute!
Well, School is about over and both Brett and I can't wait! I think I am more excited for Brett to be done then he is! He spends so much time studying and doing homework it's crazy. I should be more like him, should being the key word, but...nah!!! Blogging is way more important!!!

Me trying to fit into Brett's suitcase...it almost worked!

The Boys!! Isn't my dad so cute!

Brett eventually found his basket :)
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